I contacted AJHQ about the decline of reptillians and some Clan drama from 2 minutes ago.
I made it an Xtra large picture so you could read it.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Cuckoo Clock
Hey Jammers! Todays new item is the Cuckoo clock.
Also the Snowycroc video I mentioned yesterday is up now.
Oh, and here is a video of a Snowy Leopard that I made!
Also the Snowycroc video I mentioned yesterday is up now.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Glasses and Claws that are Snowy
What do you get when you combine Christmas with Halloween? You get Christmas-themed bat glasses!
These remind me of Oencephal, a great buddy of mine who wears bat glasses. Oh, and this is for Snowyclaw, who inspired me to make this blog!
Meet Snowcroc, the pet of Snowyclaw! I have a vid about him and Snowyclaw that is getting uploaded (it's still rendering. Stupid EZvid). Anyway, see you in Jamaa, jammers!

Meet Snowcroc, the pet of Snowyclaw! I have a vid about him and Snowyclaw that is getting uploaded (it's still rendering. Stupid EZvid). Anyway, see you in Jamaa, jammers!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Glasses and Princesses
Sorry for not posting (I was busy making Youtube videos)! Okay, so yesterday's item was the Princess Necklace, and today's item is a pair of geeky Square Glasses!
Do I look like a teenage girl in this picture? If I do, then don't mention it. Oh, and boys may have a use for the girly necklace. Just watch this vid I made.
Crocanshuru wore one! He's my ancestor who studied Jamaa's history.
Bye Jammers!
Friday, November 23, 2012
So Sorry!
Sorry for not posting yesterday! I spent all day at Thanksgiving D:.
Anywho, yesterdays item was the big skull.
Todays item is the Snow Machine. Lets face it guys. Betas and rares are coming back, no matter what we do or how we complain.
Anywho, yesterdays item was the big skull.
Todays item is the Snow Machine. Lets face it guys. Betas and rares are coming back, no matter what we do or how we complain.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
"Together, we can keep Gharials out of deathville."
Okay, so the only living member of Gavialis is the Indian Gharial. The several other Gharial species died out :(. So, I am making this club called Club Gharial. It's where many Gharial fans can have meetings and stuff on AJ. Also, the Indian Gharial Extinction Defense Fund is on the move! I have been suggesting Gharials for months! Yes AJ won't allow us to donate for reptiles anymore, but we can still donate on NG.com (I think and hope)!
Hello Jammers! I just received something from AJHQ in the mail...
The Artist Plaque!
That is me with my plaque (\^_^/). It;s SHINY!!!!
The Artist Plaque!
That is me with my plaque (\^_^/). It;s SHINY!!!!
Winter Cat Update!
Hey Jammers! I'll start this post with the Jamaa Journal.
It's kinda mixed up! Also, I have some other BIG NEWS.
My art made it to Jammer Centeral! I havent reveived a plaque yet, oh and there's a reason why the update was early. Because Thanksgiving is tomorrow! Because of the holiday, I predict i'll be getting a plaque later today or on Friday.
Say hello to the Big Cats Musium! This is the 3rd remodel of the original Animal Musium. So, you can help save tigers, lions, or cheetahs! I donated ten for each :). Oh, and some new things in Jamaa Outfitters:
And heres a mysterious alernate picture of the wristbands...
Do you see that Snowy Leopard? They're endangered, so they might be the next gift card animal! Oh, and the 12 month membership picture was changed to a fox, but I was to lazy to take a picture.
Last, but not least, it's Winter in Jamaa!
It's kinda mixed up! Also, I have some other BIG NEWS.
My art made it to Jammer Centeral! I havent reveived a plaque yet, oh and there's a reason why the update was early. Because Thanksgiving is tomorrow! Because of the holiday, I predict i'll be getting a plaque later today or on Friday.
Say hello to the Big Cats Musium! This is the 3rd remodel of the original Animal Musium. So, you can help save tigers, lions, or cheetahs! I donated ten for each :). Oh, and some new things in Jamaa Outfitters:
And heres a mysterious alernate picture of the wristbands...
Do you see that Snowy Leopard? They're endangered, so they might be the next gift card animal! Oh, and the 12 month membership picture was changed to a fox, but I was to lazy to take a picture.
Last, but not least, it's Winter in Jamaa!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Our theme ^_^
Since I don't know how to add vids to the bottom of the blog, I put the blog theme here :D!
It's Okami ^_^. Yeah I only have Okamiden, but who cares. Watch it. You'll love it ^_^.
But sadly, this this might be a connected with the cause Mammalian Movement in ways. Yeah, it's a non member using a member animal, a FOX as an animal. Foxes are #1 on the top ten most annoying mammals. It's fox here, fox there, fox everywhere!!! UGH! So annoying after a while!
But sadly, this this might be a connected with the cause Mammalian Movement in ways. Yeah, it's a non member using a member animal, a FOX as an animal. Foxes are #1 on the top ten most annoying mammals. It's fox here, fox there, fox everywhere!!! UGH! So annoying after a while!
Ask Gharial!
If you have ANY questons that don't include personal info, come and ask them on this page! Now you have the chance to ask MasterGharial any questions :D!
This Isn't a Mammal Game. Reptillians, Lets Make Our Move!
I am crazy for crocodillians. They've fascinated me since June. AJ is crazy for mammalians, and has been since 2010. They also will forever be crazy for mammals.
Mammals get they're own parties, dens, and items. Birds outnumber mammals, actually! As long as we don't go too far, our AJ will be fair.
What we, the Reptillians, are truly seeking is the other groups of the Animal Kingdom to have a role in Jamaa. Mammals play a huge role in Jamaa, and even have their own hats. Some say mammals are a keystone in Jamaa, which I honestly dissagree with. Jamaa is Jamaa's keystone. I know it makes no sense, but it's true. Guys, stop this nonsense about mammals ruling Jamaa. Just stop. Lets just say, a bird and a spirit own Jamaa. Those two are Mira the Gray Heron and Zios the mysterious spiritual creature. I am tired of the stupid things like "Zios is an elephant" or "Zios is a monkey." Just, no! N.O! Not true. Nobody knows what Zios is. Also, i've seen wolves saying "i'm Mira's daughter.' NONSENSE AGAIN! Unless they're a penguin in blue pretending to be a heron, no. Just no. Some people fill all their animal spaces with mammals.
The most famous example of this is MadJaster. He has only mammals, with the exeption of his shark. He is an extreame Warriors fan of fame, litterally. He has 17 wolves, one fox, and a shark. Lets remove the shark and replace it with another fox. And there you have it, 19 mammals. -Claps sarcastically-Mammals get they're own parties, dens, and items. Birds outnumber mammals, actually! As long as we don't go too far, our AJ will be fair.
The Mammalian Movement Begins
Ever since it's beginning, AJHQ has given fame to one group of animals and one group only; the mammals.
Mammals also are the ones who mostly get their own Spirit Stones and markings in AJ lands. Why? Our ignorance is our weakness. No, i'm not saying "fight until you loose might," i'm saying send a nice little letter to AJHQ. This unfairness will not end until we do something about it. That's why i'm making this. This is the Mammalian Movement. I am proud of it. Yes I will get many haters, and if you are one, can you just ignore me and move on with your life? I am MasterGharial and I am O.U.T.
I'm just though AJ made mammals too often. Also they say the mammals are so "pawesome" and completely ignore the others, reptiles (crocs and turtles), cepholepods (I forgot how to spell it, and it contains octopuses), fish (sharks) and birds (penguins), the loners of the AJ world. Here is a diagram showing the percent of mammals, birds, and reptiles.
Mammals: 13
Birds: 1
Reptiles: 2
Fish: 1
Cepholepods: 1
See the tragic thing? AJ only cares about mammals. When foxes came out AJ said they where awesome. Didn't say that when crocs and penguins came out. It's the same with sharks and octpi. Unfairness, and all because of lack of desire, AJHQ.
Mammals also are the ones who mostly get their own Spirit Stones and markings in AJ lands. Why? Our ignorance is our weakness. No, i'm not saying "fight until you loose might," i'm saying send a nice little letter to AJHQ. This unfairness will not end until we do something about it. That's why i'm making this. This is the Mammalian Movement. I am proud of it. Yes I will get many haters, and if you are one, can you just ignore me and move on with your life? I am MasterGharial and I am O.U.T.
Coral Necklace!
Hey guys! Everybody's favorite necklace made by any type of coral is BACK IN TOWN!
The Coral Necklace! This is back in colors for the upcoming Jamaalidays, but AJ forgot COMPLETELY about the Feast if Thanks D:<.
The Coral Necklace! This is back in colors for the upcoming Jamaalidays, but AJ forgot COMPLETELY about the Feast if Thanks D:<.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Comment Comment Comment!
Please comment on this blog :D! Tell your mom, your dad, your grandparents, your neighborhood hobo, hobos in other neighborhoods, AKA ANYBODY who can comment :D!
My AJ Life When I First got a Spiked collar
This comic shows how my life was when I first got Spiney in June 2012 :)...
Oh, and about that heart at the end, my sister put that there =_=. When I tried to remove it it never worked. Oh well.
Oh, and about that heart at the end, my sister put that there =_=. When I tried to remove it it never worked. Oh well.
Just a Little Drawing of Me :3
I just wanted to show you this little pic of me I made ^_^.
Pic.png... man that gets catchy! Yeah, I know this pic is horrible (AND I forgot the spiked wristband, but it's outline is there =_=). Thanks.
Pic.png... man that gets catchy! Yeah, I know this pic is horrible (AND I forgot the spiked wristband, but it's outline is there =_=). Thanks.
Rare Snowman Mask
Hey Jammers! Today we have a really "ice" RARE item in Jam Mart Clothing!
Meet RareSnow! RareSnow is also known as a rare snowman mask. Unfortunatly RareSnow put a curse on crocodiles!
Mean SnowyRare >:I. His curse makes crocodiles wear snow-made glasses and have two mouths D:.
Meet RareSnow! RareSnow is also known as a rare snowman mask. Unfortunatly RareSnow put a curse on crocodiles!
Mean SnowyRare >:I. His curse makes crocodiles wear snow-made glasses and have two mouths D:.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Hello Jammers! I made a new poll! Remember, be honest with your vote. You can always change your vote :).
Above is a picture of the poll. If you can't see the words you can just look back at this picture.
I'm Not Like other AJ Bloggers
Here are some things I do that most other AJ Bloggers don't...
- Most bloggers post right before they go to school. I'M NOT LIKE THAT!!! I post in the afternoons, and sometimes on weekends, midnight.
- Most bloggers also have other authors for their blogs. I don't want other authors. I like to post, and the other authors might be like the bloggers I mentioned above, wake up early. If I can't post, I will make a post saying I can't.
- I will not, and repeat WILL NOT start a war between two blogs. If that does happen, I will just tell everybody to ignore it (Like what Snowyclaw did).
- Why won't I make a wolf or fox my main animal? I like crocodiles. Plain and simple.
- Some AJ bloggers just make blogs for fame. I made this blog to make your experience on AJ as fun as mine :).
- I won't give away personal info. Most bloggers show their birthday cake with their name on it or their dog. Nope. I'm not like that.
CRAZY Pest Control!
So... I was playing Pest Control... and I created not a battle... not an ambush... but a WAR between attacker and defender...
Not a single attacker got past the purple gila lizards by the blue coral snakes.... And I got oh so many gems... and I spent them all XD!
Not a single attacker got past the purple gila lizards by the blue coral snakes.... And I got oh so many gems... and I spent them all XD!
Fun Crocodillian Facts: Alligators
This alli-picture is too cute ^_^
Alligators are the most well-known crocodillians. There are two types of alligators in the world, the American Alligator and the critically endangered Chinese Alligator. The mother, like all crocodillians, protects her young by putting them in her mouth and head. Sometimes she will do this when swimming for a little boat ride (how adorable ^_^).
Fun Crocodillian Facts: Crocodiles!
Crocodiles are the longest crocodillians. Crocodiles have sharp teeth and drag any meat into the water in sight, so don't mess with these wonderful creatures. Crocodiles were the first crocodillians, and appeared in the Late Creacous Period. The Late Creacous was the last 20 million years of the Age of the Dinosaurs. One prehistoric croc, the Deinosuchus, ate dinosaurs! Nobody knows why dinosaurs died out but some crocodiles managed to thrive.
The Mutanted Pilgrim!
When people ask "what do you get when you combine Halloween with Thanksgiving?" there is a creature lurking. It feeds on turkey blood and moved to Jamaa in 1883... It has the wings of a dragonfly and the tail of a dragon... Also it has a metal claw and a necklace of doom when it's a grown man... what is this "turkeyfying" beast? It's no more then the Mutanted Pilgrim! MUWAHAHAHA!
Mira, a fake?!
I was in Sarepia Forest, when I came upon this... this fox. She was running around the fire numerous time yelling "MIRA IS A FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!"Also, there were clans who tried to kill me (not new), and all that stuff. I know it's just a game, but the spirit in it, it's quite rude to scream that Mira is a fake. Anyone agree? I love looking at comments!
Old Scuba Helmet
Our item today is the Old Scuba Helmet! This used-to-be-rare can be yours for 300 gems (if your a member, of couse)! I don't know how the sharks need it because they have gills.
Oh well. I must admit, it looks pretty snazzy on dolphins! Strangely it seems to act as a second blowhole, which dolphins don't need.
Oh well. I must admit, it looks pretty snazzy on dolphins! Strangely it seems to act as a second blowhole, which dolphins don't need.
Hello, and welcome to The Animal Jam Gharial! Snowyclaw inspired me so much to make this blog. I hope you enjoy swimming with the Gharials! :D. Okay, that's a complement here LOL! My username on Animal Jam is MasterGharial if you ever want to add me :)
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