Saturday, December 15, 2012

Gems and Muffins

Hey Jammers! Not much new today. And YAY I CAN POST EARLY :D. So, today's gift is 700 gems!
Also Jamaaliday Earmuffs came out. Look how snazzy they are!
WOO!!! :D. Awesome on crocs! Also, FOOD TIME :D
Today's dish is a Fox Tail. I will be doing Food Time every day now! Remember, i'm a croc, so don't whine if your favorite animal's head gets eaten, K? The fur on a fox tail adds a nice touch. The curls are not blood, but markings on a rare species. Unfortunatly I just got arrested for "Eating a Fox" by an AJ police, so I hope you like it. Heh, the things I do for you guys. I just bit myself out of the cell! Isn't that awesome? :D

1 comment:

  1. When I got arrested one of the cops gave me the key so I didn't have to bite my way out >=3
