Tuesday, November 20, 2012

This Isn't a Mammal Game. Reptillians, Lets Make Our Move!

I am crazy for crocodillians. They've fascinated me since June. AJ is crazy for mammalians, and has been since 2010. They also will forever be crazy for mammals.
What we, the Reptillians, are truly seeking is the other groups of the Animal Kingdom to have a role in Jamaa. Mammals play a huge role in Jamaa, and even have their own hats. Some say mammals are a keystone in Jamaa, which I honestly dissagree with. Jamaa is Jamaa's keystone. I know it makes no sense, but it's true. Guys, stop this nonsense about mammals ruling Jamaa. Just stop. Lets just say, a bird and a spirit own Jamaa. Those two are Mira the Gray Heron and Zios the mysterious spiritual creature. I am tired of the stupid things like "Zios is an elephant" or "Zios is a monkey." Just, no! N.O! Not true. Nobody knows what Zios is. Also, i've seen wolves saying "i'm Mira's daughter.' NONSENSE AGAIN! Unless they're a penguin in blue pretending to be a heron, no. Just no. Some people fill all their animal spaces with mammals.
The most famous example of this is MadJaster. He has only mammals, with the exeption of his shark. He is an extreame Warriors fan of fame, litterally. He has 17 wolves, one fox, and a shark. Lets remove the shark and replace it with another fox. And there you have it, 19 mammals. -Claps sarcastically-
Mammals get they're own parties, dens, and items. Birds outnumber mammals, actually! As long as we don't go too far, our AJ will be fair.


  1. This is ridiculous! Seventeen wolves? But. . . Why? He clearly is dedicated. . . How could Zios be possibly a elephant (that would be unfair)? He clearly has a human appearance, or maybe he is apart of an unknown race. I will delete my rabbit and become a turtle for the sake of your movement.

  2. im getting another croc! i<3 crocs!
